Dame Tracey Emin DBE (pilotutu 3 Juli 1963) yito seniman lo Enggeleti, wawu tiyo botiya tala ngotaliyo lo Seniman Muda Enggeleti.

Tracey Emin


  • There is no comparison between him and me; he developed a whole new way of making art and he's clearly in a league of his own. It would be like making comparisons with Warhol.
    • Diya'a umowali popotadengolo to wolotaliyo wawu wa'u; tiyo hemopolayi'o cara bohu to delomo mohutu ilomata lo seni wawu tiyo mopatato to kalasiliyo lohihilawo. Uwito odelo hemopotadengo oliyo wolo Warhol.