The Lord of the Rings

Halaman botiya portal lumadu lonto 3 volume standar novel The Lord of the Rings ilomata li J. R. R. Tolkien.
Lumadu lonto adaptasi film, bilohi to The Lord of the Rings movies.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

Wopato judul to walungiyo botiya de'uwito wumbuta ode lumadu timi'idu buku lonto 3 volume, wawu wolo lampiranliyo:

Books I and II - The Fellowship of the Ring
Books III and IV - The Two Towers
Books V and VI - The Return of the King
Appendices to The Lord of the Rings

Tahe pomuntato Edisi Oluwoliyo (Oktober 1966)

  • Patuju udalaliyo hilawo lo taa mohunguliya mohimontalo mohutu wungguli haya-haya'a da'a u mo'ohilawo olo taa mobaca, mo'ohiburu, mo'osanangi, mo'oduhenga sumangati wawu mo'otolianga olimongoliyo.
  • Ngotayadu taa maa yilopobaca buku boyito, meyambo debo maa lopojolasi mayi, he'anggapuwo limongoliyo bo mo'otolu, diila panga lo'akali, meyalo hina; wawu watiya diya'a alasni motombolu, sababu huhama latiya olo odito tomimbihu ilomata limongoliyo, meyambo tomimbihu dalala lo tuladu u otohila limongoliyo.
  • Taa lopobaca mo'ulintapo, watiya lohihilawo, masatiya lo'otapu ngohuntuwa u musi po'opiyohulo, ngo'idi meyalo ngohuntuwa, dabo untungiliyo didu o kewajiban meriview meyalo molulade buku boyito, maa pelehiyoliyo lo'u motipo'oyo, ngopohiya tuwawu u eela lo tawu weewo: buku botiya limbu-limbu'a da'a.