Lucy Parsons
Lucy Eldine Gonzalez Parsons (1851 - 7 Maret 1942) uyito-yito ngota pengorganisir buruh, anarkis, wawu orator Amerika u radikal. Tiyo pilotutuliyo to Virginia, komungkinan odelo budak, londo orang tua u londo wali lo penduduk asli Amerika, Amerika alipo moyitomo, wawu Meksiko. Tiyo layito mopohuna tanggulo Lucy Gonzalez.
boli'a- Let every dirty, lousy tramp arm himself with a revolver or a knife, and lay in wait on the steps of the palaces of the rich and stab or shoot the owners as they come out. Let us kill them without mercy, and let it be a war of extermination.
- Huliloma o timi`idu gelandangan u mokotoro wawu leeto mempersenjatai batangaliyo wolo pistol mealo pito, wau mohima to tu`adu lo malihe lo tau kaya wawu mongamo mealo momutahe pemilik liyo sa`ati timongoliyo lumualo. Dulolo ito bunuh timongoliyo diyalu belas kasihan, wawu huliloma`o botiya mowali perang pemusnahan.
- The trusts will not allow you to vote them out of power because they are the power, as is shown by the interview given above.
- Perwalian diila ma mengizinkan timongoli momili mayi olimongoliyo lumuala londo kekuasaan sababu timongoliyo uyito-yito lotolo, odelo u ditunjukkan ole wawancara u wohia to yitato.