Kalevala yito puisi mitologi lonto lipu Finlandia, yilami le Elias Lönnrot lonto silita tradisional wawu bahan asli to abad 19. Utiye silita masahuru lonto Finladia wawu lowali patoroni lo ngohuntuwa seniman odelo Tolkien, Sibelius and Longfellow.

Inside front title page of The "Old" Kalevala, Finnish national epos, collection of old Finnish poems, by Elias Lönnrot. First edition; volume 1, 1835


Quotations are taken from the English translation by John Martin Crawford.
  • There are many other legends,
    Incantations that were taught me,
    That I found along the wayside,
    Gathered in the fragrant copses,
    Blown me from the forest branches,
    Culled among the plumes of pine-trees,
    Scented from the vines and flowers,
    Whispered to me as I followed
    Flocks in land of honeyed meadows.
    • Proem, line 53
  • Onggo ngohuntuwa piilu uweewo,
    Wulito u ilajariliyo mayi ola'u,
    Uyilotapu'u to biihu dalalalo,
    Huntu-huntu to batango ayu moonu,
    Mohiipa ola'u monto tango lo o'ayuwa,
    Lodehu mayi to wolota lo batango pinus,
    Boboolo wonu lo wuwa'ata wawu bunga,
    Hemolohumo olo'u to'u hedudu'a'u
    A'ambuwa to padengo huntuwa lo hula lo tii'a.
    • Buntato, baarisi 53

  • Many runes the cold has told me,
    Many lays the rain has brought me,
    Other songs the winds have sung me.
    Many birds from many forests,
    Oft have sung me lays in concord
    Waves of sea, and ocean billows,
    Music from the many waters,
    Music from the whole creation,
    Oft have been my guide and master.
    • Proem, line 65
  • Ngohuntuwa rune hesilita lohuhulo ode ola'u,
    Ngohuntuwa didi lodelo ola'u,
    Lahu uweewo u hepomanyanyi lodupoto ola'u,
    Ngohuntuwa burungi lonto tililahepo o'ayuwa,
    Layito wa'u hemomanyanyi lahu yang selaras,
    Bu'olo deheto, bu'olo deheto,
    Musiki lonto awuhu,
    Musiki lonto nga'amila pilohutu,
    Layito mowali potunu wawu tuwani'u.
    • Buntato, baarisi 65

  • Väinämöinen, old and steadfast,
    Answered in the words which follow:
    "Yet a harp might be constructed
    Even of the bones of fishes,
    If there were a skilful workman,
    Who could from the bones construct it."
    As no craftsman there was present,
    And there was no skilful workman
    Who could make a harp of fishbones,
    Väinämöinen, old and steadfast,
    Then began the harp to fashion,
    And himself the work accomplished.
    • Proem, line 221
  • Väinämöinen, panggola wawu sabari,
    Tilameta lo tahe botiya:
    "Dabo harpa mowali pilohutu
    Openu bo lonto tulalo tola,
    Wonu woluwo poddupa taa ahali,
    Tita taa mowali mohutu mayi montu bakakawuw lo tulalo."
    Sababu diya'a poddupa taa hadiri,
    Wawu diya'a poddupa taa ahali
    Tita taa motota mohutu kacapi monto tulalo tola,
    Väinämöinen, panggola wawu sabari,
    Lapatiyo ma'o harpa maa yilowali mode,
    Wawu tiyo lohihilawo taa lopo'olapata kalajaliyo.
    • Buntato, baarisi 221

  • Thus the ancient Wainamoinen,
    In his copper-banded vessel,
    Left his tribe in Kalevala,
    Sailing o'er the rolling billows,
    Sailing through the azure vapors,
    Sailing through the dusk of evening,
    Sailing to the fiery sunset,
    To the higher-landed regions,
    To the lower verge of heaven.
    • Canto 50, line 493
  • Oditomola te Wainamoinen panggola,
    To delomo bejana opita tombaha,
    Lolola sukuliyo to kalevala,
    Lobite to tudu lo bu'ola uda'a,
    Lobite lolawode wambulo moyidu,
    Lobite to delomo u huyi,
    Lobite ode dulahe meela tolo-tolopo,
    Ode huta datahu molanggato,
    Ode biihu walungo soroga.
    • Canto 50, baarisi 493

  • There his bark he firmly anchored,
    Rested in his boat of copper;
    But be left his harp of magic,
    Left his songs and wisdom-sayings,
    To the lasting joy of Suomi.
    • Canto 50, line 504
  • Wolo alipo ayuliyo tiyo lotirabuwa teeto mola,
    Lotirahati wolo bulotu tombahaliyo,
    Dabo lolola mayi kecapi ajaib,
    Lolola mayi lohidu wawu tahe bijak,
    Ode bahagia layito lo Suomi.
    • Canto 50, baarisi 504

  • Thus the wise and worthy singer
    Sings not all his garnered wisdom;
    Better leave unsung some sayings
    Than to sing them out of season.
    • Epilogue, line 20
  • Odito taa motota molohidu wawu panita
    Diila mopolohidu nga'amila kebijaksanaan u maa yilimo'iyo;
    Lebe mopiyohu tolayi ma'o lo'iya ngo'idi diila oba'ato
    Daripada mopolohidu to ngopohiya lo sembo.
    • Epilog, baarisi 504