James Clayton "Jim" Dobson, Jr. (pilotutu 21 April 1936) tawu ngota psikolog lo Amerika, taa hemoluladu Kristen evangelis, konselor, wawu aktivis politik konservatif.

James Dobson c. 2007


  • "Some strong-willed children absolutely demand to be spanked, and their wishes should be granted. . . [T]wo or three stinging strokes on the legs or buttocks with a switch are usually sufficient to emphasize the point, 'You must obey me.'"
    • Ngolo lota taa keke'ingo nakaliyolo debo musi polotala lo bubu'o, wawu u otothila limongoliyo musi dungohelo... [D]uluwo meyalo totolu lo wumbadu to u'ato meyalo to tutubu lo tunggudu debo maa cukupu mopo'opatato wolo makusudu, "Timongoli musi modungohe parenta'u."
      • From The Strong-Willed Child, pp. 53-4.