Andrew Gordon Speedie Pask (28 Juni 1928 - 29 Maret 1996) uyito-yito ahali ngota sibernetika wawu psikolog Inggris u mongohi kontribusi signifikan to sibernetika, psikologi instruksional, epistemologi eksperimental, wawu teknologi pondidikan.


  • Cybernetics is the science or the art of manipulating defensible metaphors; showing how they may be constructed and what can be inferred as a result of their existence.
    • Sibernetika uyito-yito ilmu mealo seni memanipulasi metafora u mowali dipertahankan; mopobilohe woloolo metafora-metafora boyito mowali bongulo wawu wolo u mowali disimpulkan londo keberadaannya.
  • To summarize the matter, teaching systems ought to be conversational in form and so devised that strategies are matched to individual competence.
    • Odelo rangkuman, sistem lo pongajaran haruslah berbentuk percakapan wawu tolopanio odito rupa sambe strateginya popotuu`udu wolo kompetensi individu.
  • Complex human learning is a concept involving communication between the participant in the learning process, who commonly occupy the roles of learner and teacher.
    • Pombolajaran lo manusia u kompleks uyito-yito sebuah konsep u melibatkan komunikasi wolota lo peserta to proses lo pombolajaran, u biasanya berperan odelo anasikola wawu tamongajari.