Cory Efram Doctorow (pilotutu 17 Juli 1971) botiya tawu ngota blogger, jurnalis, wawu ta hemoluladu fiksi ilmiah lonto Kanada-Inggris. Tiyo olo hemodukungi liberalisasi undang-undang hak cipta.

Cory Doctorow


  • I'm of the opinion that science fiction writers suck at predicting the future. We mostly go around describing the present in futuristic clothes - (such as) Mary Shelley, Bill Gibson, and many others.
    • To huhama'u, taa hipolulade fiksi ilmiah yito paya to delomo molantobe masa depan. Ami oda'aliyo mogambari mayi masa botiya wolo gaya futuristik - (odelo) te Mary Shelley, Bill Gibson, wawu ngohuntuwa uwewoliyo ma'o.