Charles Ormond Eames, Jr (17 Juni 1907 – 21 Agustus 1978) yito tawu ngota ta hemodesain to Amerika. Ilomataliyo ma lo'opongaru uda'a to dunia arsitektur wawu furnitur moderen.


  • I have never been forced to accept compromises but I have willingly accepted constraints.
    • Watiya dilata hepakusaliyo mololimo kompromi, dabo watiya mohuto mololimo halangan.
      • Charles Eames, interview in: Domus, monthly review of architecture interiors design art, Nr. 482-493, 1970; Cited in: American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters (1980) Proceedings of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. p. 77

  • Eventually everything connects - people, ideas, objects... the quality of the connections is the key to quality per se.
    • Pulitaliyo mota nga'amila mohumbuta - tawu, ide, obyek... kualitas koneksi mowali u'unti kualitas lohihilawo boyito.
      • Attributed to Charles Eames in: Georgia Bizios (1998) Architecture Reading Lists and Course Outlines. p. 494

  • The details are not the details. These make the design.
    • Detail yito diila detail. Uwito u mowali desain.
      • Attributed to Charles Eames in: Garrett, Jesse James. "The Elements of User Experience." Diagram retrieved January (2004).
      • Alternative: The details are not the details. The details make the product.