Carlos Almaraz (5 Oktober 1941 - 11 Desember 1989) tio boito seniman Meksiko-Amerika.


  • …there was the portrait of John the Baptist draped in furs, with a long furry beard, long hair, bushy eyebrows, and so covered in hair. Well, to a child of I must have been, I'm like four or five now, and this would have been one of our return trips because to a child of that age, it could very easy look like a gorilla. And one of the reasons I mention this story is that, for me, my first impression of art was both horrifying and absolutely magical, because I really believed that was a gorilla…
    • ...Woluo potret yohanes pembaptis u'bolu-bolu lolambuto, lodanggu u' hayahaya'o, huwo'o u'hayahaya'o, bundungo matiu;mohulodu, wau'uwewo tutupi lo huwo'o. Jo bagi lo wala'o watiya mungkin umuru wopato wau limu tau masatia, wau utiye mamoali salah satu dalalo pohualingo lami karna bagi wala'o usia odito, tio mowali lebih gambangi bilohilo madelo gorila. Wau salah satu alasani latia molanggulo wungguli botiye, bagi to'olatia, kesan pertama latia to seni bomo ohe da'a wau ajaib, karna watiya percaya da'a wanu uwito seekor gorila...