Aung San Suu Kyi de'uyito tangota poltikus lo Myanmar u menjabat odelo Penasihat Negara Myanmar wawu otawalo sababu mopo'owali demokrasi odelo tayadu mondo politik utama to Myanmar.

Aung San Suu Kyi


  • "Penjara tutulio-tutu uyito-yito rasa moohe. Dabo kebebasan tutulio-tutu uyito-yito bebasi mondo rasa moohe."
  • Revered monks and people. This public rally is aimed at informing the whole world of the will of the people... Our purpose is to show that the entire people entertain the keenest desire for a multiparty democratic system of government.
    • Para biksu wau umat yang terhormat. Rapat umum utiye tujuan liyo ,o menginformasikan to nga'amila dunia tentang keinginan rakyat... Tujuan ulami boito mopobiluhu wanu nga'amila rakyat woluo harapan u'damango lo sistem pemerintahan demokratis multipartai.
      • First public speech (26 August 1988).