Antony and Cleopatra

Antony and Cleopatra yito tragedi sojara ilomata le William Shakespeare ciletakiliyo, bungaliyo cileteki to taawunu 1623. Oda'aliyo taa ahali palasaya utiye tiluladiyo to taawunu 1606-1607.

Eternity was in our lips and eyes.
  • Nay, but this dotage of our general's
    O'erflows the measure.
  • De'e, dabo utiye ilopanitaliyo lo jenderal olanto
    Mopotolohu tu'udiyo
    • Philo, scene i

  • There's beggary in the love that can be reckon'd.
  • Woluwo u misikini to delomo tohilawo u mowali rekeniyolo.

  • In nature's infinite book of secrecy
    A little I can read.
  • To delomo buku rahasiya lo alamu u diila ohinggadiyo
    Bo ngo'idi u mowali pobaca'u.
    • Soothsayer, scene ii

  • He was dispos'd to mirth; but on the sudden
    A Roman thought hath struck him.
  • Tiyo yilengahu, dabo ngo'inta lomato
    Ngobungo pomikilangi lo Romawi yilumehita to wuto'iyo.
    • Cleopatra, scene ii

  • This grief is crowned with consolation.
  • Wolola botiya depuheliyo lo makuta pomaluto.

  • Eternity was in our lips and eyes.
  • Keabadian woluwo to biihu wawu to mato lami.
    • Cleopatra, scene iii

  • From Alexandria
This is the news: he fishes, drinks, and wastes
The lamps of night in revel; is not more man-like
Than Cleopatra; nor the queen of Ptolemy
More womanly than he.
  • Lonto Alexandria
Botiya habariliyo: tiyo loheluto, mongilu, wawu mopomahulo puputo
Tilango tohe huyi maa hiwengahe, diila mohumayawa wolo manusia
Lonto oli Cleopatra; meyambo mbu'i Ptolemeus
Lebe molumboyoto popotadengola woliyo
  • Octavius Caesar, scene iv

  • Antony, leave thy lascivious wassails.
  • Antony, tolayi ma'o hilaamu u huloto.
    • Octavius Caesar, scene iv

  • Give me to drink mandragora.
  • Peeluma mayi wa'u lo mandragora.
    • Cleopatra, scene v

  • Where’s my serpent of old Nile?
    For so he calls me.
  • To utoonu tulidu panggola lo Nil ula'u?
    Sababu uwitolo tiyo hemohibode ola'u.
    • Cleopatra, speaking of Antony, scene v

  • I was
    A morsel for a monarch.
  • Wa'u omo'omolu
    Ngoputu mowali olongiya.
    • Cleopatra, scene v

  • My salad days,
    When I was green in judgment, cold in blood,
    To say as I said then!
  • Dulahu salad ula'u,
    To'u wa'u buboto to delomo buto'o, duhu mohuhulo,
    Molo'iya odelo u yilo'iya'u to'u boyito!
    • Cleopatra, scene v

Act II

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety; other women cloy
The appetites they feed; but she makes hungry
Where most she satisfies...
  • Epicurean cooks
    Sharpen with cloyless sauce his appetite.
  • Taa motubuwa Epicurean
    Po'odatawa wolo sawusu cloyless napusu pongongaliyo.
    • Pompey, scene i


  • Who does i’ the wars more than his captain can,
    Becomes his captain’s captain; and ambition,
    The soldier’s virtue, rather makes choice of loss,
    Than gain which darkens him.
  • Tita taa hebati to popateya limbata lo kaputengiliyo
    Mowali kaputengi lo kaputengi; wawu ambisi
    Bijaksana lo prajurit, lebe molulawoto u ta'aluku
    Daripada mo'ohama wawu mo'olanggamu.
    • Ventidius, scene i

Act IV

  • He calls me boy; and chides, as he had power
    To beat me out of Egypt; my messenger
    He hath whipp'd with rods; dares me to personal combat,
    Caesar to Antony: let the old ruffian know
    I have many other ways to die; meantime
    Laugh at his challenge.
  • Ilibodeliyo taa kiki'o wa'u, wawu lohimelu, sababu tiyo mo'orasa molotolo
    Mopota'aluku ola'u alihu lumuwalo monto Mesir; utusanku
    Tiyo maa bilubohu lo tunggudu; mohile mobaliya wola'u tutuwawu
    Caesar odele Antony: poleleya ma'o ode bajingan panggola boyito
    Ngohutuwa dalalo'u u mate, sementara itu
    Po'i'ipo lo tantanganliyo.
    • Octavius Caesar, scene i