Angels and Demons (2000) yito novel misteri tiluladiyo le Dan Brawn lonto Amerika Serikat. Novel botiya hemosilita mayi te Robert, ahali lo simbologi lonto Universitas Harvard. Silitaliyo tomimbihu konflik lo Gereja Katolik wolo lembo'a rahasia u hetanggula lo tawu Illuminati.

Science seems irrelevant. Science can heal, or science can kill. It depends on the soul of the man using the science. It is the soul that interests me.

Diagram puisi


From Santi’s earthly tomb with demon’s hole,
‘Cross Rome the mystic elements unfold.
The path of light is laid, the sacred test,
Let angels guide thee on thy lofty quest.

Lonto makam duniawi Santi wolo huwango lati,
To'u ngotuwali lo Roma, unsur mistik ma yilumonggu,
Dalalo tinelo maa lotibu'adu, ujian suci,
Hulima'o malaikati taa mopotunu olemu todelomo misi muliya.


Vittoria Vetra: Religion is like language or dress. We gravitate toward the practices with which we were raised. In the end, though we are all proclaiming the same thing. That life has meaning. That we are grateful for the power that created us.
Vittoria Vetra: Agama yito odelo bahasa meyalo pakeyangi. Ami motohilawo lo huhutuliyo u pilotumulo mayi lami. To pulitiyo mota, openu ito hemopolele u tutuwawuwa. Tutumulo yito woluwo ma'analiyo. Ito musi mosukuru ode lotolo u lopowali olanto.
Robert Langdon: So you’re saying that whether you are a Christian or a Muslim simply depends on where you were born?
Robert Langdon: Wonu odito makusudumu yi'o lowali Kristen meyalo Muslim duta-duta'a to utonu yi'o pilotutuliyo?
Vittoria Vetra: Isn’t it obvious? Look at the diffusion of religion around the globe.
Vittoria Vetra: Diipo mopatato? Nte bilohi loladiyo lo agama to yilanggubu duniya.
Robert Langdon: So faith is random?
Robert Langdon: Wonu odito imani yito mololadu.