Ali Zayn al-Abidin

‘Alī ibn Husayn Zaynul ‘Ābidīn (c. 4 Januari 659 - c. 20 Oktober 713 M), uwito pula duluo Imam Syiah Umehelu wopato.


  • If people realize the value of science and knowledge, they will sacrifice themselves for earning it.
    • Wanu tau motota lo nilai-nilai ilimu pengetahuan wau pengetahuan, timongoliyo mamo pokorbani batanga demi mo'otapu uwito.
      • Majlisi, Bihārul Anwār, vol.1, p. 183.
  • I wonder at him who shows haughtiness and vainglory, while he was as a sperm yesterday and will be a carrion tomorrow.
    • Wa'u bo herani to tau ta sombongi yolo wau angkuh, padahali olango tiyo madelo sperma wau lombo dulahu mamowali bangkai.
      • Balāghat al-Imām Zayn al-‘Ābidīn, p. 27; Mirza Muhammad Taqi Lisan al-Mulk Sipihr, Nāsikh al-Tawārikh, vol.1, p. 484.