Alfred Adler (7 Februari 1870-28 Mei 1937) Tio boyito dokter medis au psikolog Austria.


  • "The striving for significance, this sense of yearning, always points out to us that all psychological phenomena contain a movement that starts from a feeling of inferiority and reach upward. The theory of Individual Psychology of psychological compensation states that the stronger the feeling of inferiority, the higher the goal for personal power."
    • "Rasa u'mowali paralu, rasa mololo boyito, salalu mopotunu to'olando wanu nga'amila fenomena psikologis woluo todelomo gerakan u'ma mulaiyia liyo londo perasaan rendah lobatanga u'medungga toitato. Teori psikologi individu lo kompensasi psikologis mopolele wanu ma kuat perasaan rendah batanga, mamolanggato tujuan u'kekuatan olando."
      • From a new translation of "Progress in Individual Psychology" ("Fortschritte der Individualpsychologie", 1923), a journal article by Alfred Adler, in the AAISF/ATP Archives.