Akhenaten tio boyito tau Firaun londo Dinasti to mopulawalu Mesir, ta hemomarendah memerintah huheo lio sampe mopulapitu taunu pata'o tio yilate to taunu 1336 SM atau 1334 SM.
boli'a- How manifold it is, what thou hast made! They are hidden from the face. O sole god, like whom there is no other! Thou didst create the world according to thy desire, whilst thou wert alone: All men, cattle, and wild beasts, whatever is on earth, going upon feet, and what is on high, flying with its wings.
- Ma dadata da'a u'pilohutumu! Timongolio hemotituo londo laku lo dunia. Ya Eya, u' diya'a bandingi liyo! Yi'o lo hutu dunia sesuai lohilamu, sementara yi'o tutuwau: Ngaamila manusia, ternak, wau binatang buas, apapun uwito u woluo to dunia, nao-nao lo o'ato wau wollo u'woluo to tambati molanggato, tumbo-tumboto lopolo pi'o liyo.
- Great Hymn to the Aten, as translated in The Ancient Near East, Vol. 1 : An Anthology of Texts and Pictures (1958) by James B. Pritchard, p. 227.
- Ma dadata da'a u'pilohutumu! Timongolio hemotituo londo laku lo dunia. Ya Eya, u' diya'a bandingi liyo! Yi'o lo hutu dunia sesuai lohilamu, sementara yi'o tutuwau: Ngaamila manusia, ternak, wau binatang buas, apapun uwito u woluo to dunia, nao-nao lo o'ato wau wollo u'woluo to tambati molanggato, tumbo-tumboto lopolo pi'o liyo.