Aga Khan IV (meyalo ti Mulia Pangeran Karīm al-Ḥussaynī Āgā Khān IV) KBE CC GCC (pilotutu liyo 13 Desember 1936) Tiyo boyito imamu (pemimpin spiritual) keturunan Muslim Ismaili yang ke-49.

Aga Khan IV


  • There are those... who enter the world in such poverty that they are deprived of both the means and the motivation to improve their lot. Unless these unfortunates can be touched with the spark which ignites the spirit of individual enterprise and determination, they will only sink back into renewed apathy, degradation and despair. It is for us, who are more fortunate, to provide that spark.
    • Woluo tau-tau walo... lo maso todolomo dunia kemiskinan sehingga timongoliyo yilowolia sarana wau motivasi mopopiyohu nasib limongoliyo. Jika woluo tau-tau walo u' ja ulindungi utiye jamowali korelo lo percikan u' menyulut semangat usaha wau tekad individu, limongoliyo boito bo mamo ahumo poli todolomo sifati apatis, degradasi wau keputusasaan. Boito bagi lando, u' ilondungi, u' mongohi percikan uwito.