Adam Yahiye Gadahn
Adam Yahiye Gadahnborn (pilotutu liyo Adam Pearlman; 1 September 1978 - 19 Januari 2015) tiyo boyito agen senior Amerika, penerjemah budaya, juru bisala kelompok Islam al-Qaeda.
boli'a- Cease all interference in the religion, society, politics, and governance of the Muslims world. And leave us alone to establish the Islamic shura state, which will unite the Muslims of Earth in truth and justice.
- Popohendiya mota nga'amila campur tangan terhadap agama, masyarakat, politik wau pemerintakan dunia muslim. Wau hulilomota ami mopotihulo negara syura Islam, u'moposatu umat Islam to dunia todelomo kebenaran wau keadilan.